
Blogs, Blogs and More Blogs

compiled by Becky O'Malley and friends
Friday March 05, 2010 - 05:37:00 PM

This is an arbitrary and eclectic selection of some local blogs we think are worth reading: 


Eric Klein's new blog Eric has broadcast the Berkeley City Council for KPFA for several years without punching anyone out, for which he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.  

Jane Stillwater Jane is a world traveler, world-class kvetcher and idolatrous grandmother.  

Carol Polsgrove Carol has been both a working journalist and a professor of journalism, two professions that don't always go together. She's sometimes in Berkeley but mostly beyond. The latest post is a tribute to the late Howard Zinn, taken from her book Divided Minds.  

Mark Leventhal A 19-year-old from Berkeley who is taking a gap year in Chile reports on his earthquake experiences. 


Send us your own ideas for additions.