Public Comment

Response to comment on smoking

Jack Bragen
Friday February 06, 2015 - 10:26:00 AM

I agree that both marijuana and tobacco smoke are extremely harmful to lungs, and I am not advocating ingesting either substance through smoking or otherwise.

The mentally ill people I have met who smoke seem to be far more enslaved to this addiction compared to those in the general population, many of whom have quit years ago. Non-smoke ingestion of tobacco such as nicotine patches and gum--none of them are very effective as an alternative to inhaling cigarette smoke when someone is both mentally ill and a nicotine addict.

I tried, at your suggestion, to find studies on the UCSF website that agree with your conclusions, and found that UCSF is strongly opposed to tobacco use, a perfectly valid stance. However, I was unable to locate the actual studies to which you referred.  

I am certain that persons with mental illness find it harder to quit smoking than members of the general population, and that a much higher percentage of mentally ill people smoke. Again, if tobacco became illegal, a lot fewer people would use it, and I wouldn't use it.  

Lastly, I do not agree that I am writing "nonsense."