
Flash: Senator Skinner
Chickens Out
on SB827 Panel
Quelle Surprise!

Monday March 19, 2018 - 03:35:00 PM

State Senator Nancy Skinner, co-author with Senator Scott Wiener of SB 827, the bill which strips California cities of their power to plan land use in areas near transit, has bailed on her commitment to appear at the East Bay's key progressive Democratic Club to discuss the bill, according to this notice received today: 

Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
Thursday, March 22, 6:45pm
Humanist Hall, 390 27th St., Oakland
(between Broadway and Telegraph)

SB827, Transit Oriented Housing
Kate Harrison, Berkeley City Council
Margaretta Lin, Dellums Institute
Tim Frank, Center for Sustainable Neighborhoods
Senator Nancy Skinner sends her regrets.
She has urgent business that prevents her particpating. [emphasis added, edited for length.]
The Meeting is open to the public.