Public Comment

HUMAN RIGHTS DISPATCH: Goliath Seeking to Annihilate David

Jagjt Singh
Sunday May 19, 2024 - 12:21:00 PM

In recent media coverage, Israeli journalist Yehuda Shlezinger's reaction to images of Palestinians enjoying a Gaza beach starkly highlights a broader, troubling trend in Israeli society. Appearing on Israel’s Channel 12, Shlezinger expressed intense revulsion, advocating for severe retribution against Palestinians, reflecting a shift towards a more hardened, dehumanizing attitude among many Israelis. 

This shift is not isolated to fringe elements. It permeates Israeli society, with widespread support for harsh policies against Gaza. Polls indicate that a significant majority of Jewish Israelis back aggressive actions, including the use of force and withholding humanitarian aid. This hardening of attitudes is evident in the normalization of violent rhetoric and the marginalization of dissent within Israel. 

The Israeli left, once a robust force advocating for peace and negotiation, has dwindled significantly. Generational changes and the aftermath of the second intifada have fostered a rightward drift, with many Israelis viewing Palestinians through a lens of security and existential threat. 

The distressing landscape was sharply brought into focus following the Oct. 7 massacre and kidnappings. The event galvanized a public desire for revenge, further entrenching the belief that Palestinians must be controlled and subdued. This sentiment is not solely attributed to Prime Minister Netanyahu but is echoed across Israel’s political spectrum, including so-called moderates like Benny Gantz. g; In an environment where even mild forms of dissent are suppressed, the hardline approach towards Palestinians has become mainstream. Israeli actions in Gaza and the West Bank, including land seizures and violent crackdowns, underscore this uncompromising stance. The rhetoric of annihilation and the normalization of punitive measures against Palestinians suggest a society increasingly comfortable with extreme measures. 

The international community, particularly the United States, must recognize this entrenched reality. Calls for a two-state solution and negotiations seem increasingly detached from the prevailing sentiments within Israel. The current trajectory suggests a deepening of the conflict, where Palestinians are continually subjugated, and Israelis remain insulated from the consequences of the occupation. 

The tragic cycle of violence and retaliation will persist as long as Palestinians live under oppressive conditions. True peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians require a fundamental shift away from dehumanization and towards genuine efforts for justice and equality. 




g I call on the Biden administration to demand an immediate resumption of food, water, and fuel to the Palestinians. Using mass starvation as a weapon of war is inhumane and must be halted immediately. Jagjit Singh