
Democrats gather, prepare for campaign 2002

The Associated Press
Friday March 30, 2001

SACRAMENTO — State Democrats are descending upon the traditionally Republican stronghold of Orange County for what they bill as a weekend-long “Bush-bashing” fest. 

Democratic Gov. Gray Davis and House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., are scheduled to headline the three-day Democratic state convention in Anaheim. The event starts Friday. 

“We are going to spend the first and the last hour bashing Bush – and all through the weekend,” state party spokesman Bob Mulholland said. 

Bush lost California’s 54 electoral votes to Democrat Al Gore despite pouring far more time and money into campaigning here. 

But Democrats will also spend time talking about power, and not the political kind, Mulholland said. 

Though California Democrats enjoy a substantial lead over Republicans in voter registration, have comfortable legislative majorities and hold every statewide office except the secretary of state’s, the energy crisis is providing valuable fuel for the GOP. 

Republicans already have unleashed attacks on Davis and the Democrat-controlled Legislature for what they call lack of action to prevent statewide rolling blackouts and record electricity rate hikes. 

In addition, consumer advocates are threatening a ratepayer revolt on the 2002 ballot, planning to sponsor an initiative that would share the ballot with Davis. 

The governor’s first GOP challenger in 2002, Secretary of State Bill Jones, announced last week that the state’s power crisis will be a centerpiece of his campaign. 

Davis plans to address the delegates Saturday. The speech is expected to focus on energy and Saturday’s first-ever state holiday honoring United Farm Workers union founder Cesar Chavez. 

Davis will play host at an invitation-only party Friday night at Disney’s new California Adventure theme park, where party officials say actor Martin Sheen might make an appearance. 

On Saturday, some 2,000 delegates are expected to unanimously re-elect party chairman Art Torres, who is unopposed for a second four-year term. 

The election likely will be a stark contrast from the state GOP convention last month, when the party narrowly elected Beverly Hills conservative Shawn Steel over moderate Brooks Firestone in a contentious campaign that consumed much of the three-day event. 

Also scheduled to speak at the Democratic convention: Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe; U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif.; and U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez, who unseated GOP Rep. Robert K. Dornan in 1996 in traditionally Republican Orange County. 

On the Net: 

Read the convention agenda at http://www.ca-dem.org