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Ready for the Big One?

Monday April 16, 2001

Earthquakes act on structures in two ways: 

•By shaking the building itself, weakening its structure 

•By moving the ground, lifting or disrupting a building from its foundation 


Five Steps for Earthquake Preparedness: 

•Make an evacuation plan for yourself and your family or household, include a post-quake meeting place. 

•Arrange for a long-distance telephone contact, preferably out of state, with whom everyone in your family will be able to check in. 

•Prepare an emergency supplies kit — include canned food, one gallon of water per person per day, a flashlight, first aid kit, a portable AM radio with batteries, blankets, extra clothes, tools, cash, necessary medications and a fire extinguisher. 

•Prepare your home to survive a quake — Learn to turn off the utilities; secure heavy objects; latch cupboards; check walls, chimney, foundation (bolt it if you can) and roof for stability, repairing any decay; check for termites. 

•Identify the needs and capabilities of your neighbors. Learn who lives where, who has special needs (seniors, disabled, non-English speakers), who has special skills (nurses, plumbers, retired firefighters, etc.), who has important resources (a generator, tools, tents, food supplies, a ham radio). Organize a phone tree to pass on information, designate one person and two alternates to act as a disaster coordinator, make a utility map and mark gas meters, main water turn-offs, spigots and electrical boxes. 

Courtesy of OES. 


Resources to help make homes earthquake safe: 

•Project Impact Coordinator: 644-6580 

•Office of Emergency Services: 644-8736 

•City Transfer Tax Rebate Program: 644-6470 

•Retrofit Permit Fee Waivers: 644-6915 

•Berkeley Home Repair Program: 644-8546 

•Senior and Disabled Rehabilitation Loan Program: 665-3487 

•Berkeley Rental Rehabilitation Program: 665-3487 

•Tool Lending Library: 644-6101 


Websites for more information: 

•Berkeley Fire Department/Office of Emergency Services 

•Federal Emergency Management Agency 

•American Red Cross 

•US Geological Survey (recent earthquake info) 

•Techniques for Mitigating Earthquake Hazards