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Responsible owner ship, not new laws, will curb dangerous pit bulls

Friday July 13, 2001


Unbelievable, just plain unbelievable! I never thought I’d read such idiocy as was penned in your “Letters to the Editor” on Monday, July 9th. The headline “Walking pit bulls off-leash is like carrying around a loaded gun” belies the thinking of the feeble minded. I’d have to add this phrase to MY collection of self canceling phrases. 

Why is the concept of animate objects (a dog) versus inanimate objects (a gun) so terribly hard to comprehend? Guns simply cannot shoot themselves. Yeah, okay, a dog can bite you without help from a human. The dog/loaded gun comparison is totally bogus and most simply isn’t the point. The point IS responsibility. 

When was the last time anyone ever thought to assume a modicum of personal responsibility. Oh no, that’s too hard! Let’s have the government pass another law. If we could just have one more law, we could all live in harmony and bliss. Hello! Just who do you think will be there to enforce the law? The police would be much obliged, however they can’t be everywhere, all the time. A watchful neighborhood could have been more though. 

The only thing that will save you and your precious need for security is accepting responsibility and helping others to do the same. Another state dog law would not have saved Shawn Jones from the horror he experienced and the paid he suffers now. A responsible dog owner obeying the existing leash law would have. 

If you want a safer more harmonious neighborhood; Stand up, step up, and be responsible. Above all stop whining for the government to solve all your problems. 


G. Seegmiller 
