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Tragedy has brought us and youth together

Sumant Chakravart
Monday October 08, 2001



The tragedy that hit us on September 11 was clearly a devastating blow on the nation as a whole. The economy, the culture, and even the lives of people have been destroyed, but the thing is to look away from the negative and focus in on the positive of the whole situation. This positive is the WORLD UNITING! 

People, especially the youth of America (18-24 years), have come together to donate blood, volunteer their time, and even protest war. These issues, such as war, affect our lives. We, as the youth of America need a voice and the Youth Vote Coalition of California will give us that voice we so desperately need. They help inform the youth about issues that coincide with their lives and they demand politicians to begin to pay attention to youth issues. The exclusion of the youth of America is a dangerous trend that will definitely hurt the nation in the long run. Democracy is diminishing without the voices of the youth and with the aid of the Youth Vote Coalition of California, the youth can get their ideas heard and issues solved. Thank you to “Youth Vote” for their everlasting efforts to help the future of America. 


Sumant Chakravart