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Thanks, Berkeley

Shepherd Bliss
Friday November 02, 2001


The Daily Planet received a copy of this letter addressed to residents of Berkeley and the City Council, 

How proud I am of Berkeley again - for its recent City Council resolution on bombing and for its people’s support of Rep. Barbara Lee. I lived in Berkeley for a decade during the l980s and now farm outside Sebastopol in Sonoma County. Years later, when we look back on these dark times, Berkeley and Rep. Lee will shine in history for their bravery - as Rep. Jeannette Rankin and Sen. Wayne Morse do for their opposition to previous wars. 

Many of us here in Sonoma County and throughout the United States and the world look to Berkeley for leadership. Please don’t back down! Leadership is not always easy. Though there may be some short-term economic losses for Berkeley from this mild decision speaking for our country’s conscience and soul, it will accumulate long-term moral gains. We love you, Berkeley and Rep. Lee. 

Yea Berkeley! 


Shepherd Bliss 

Kokopelli Farm 

Sonoma County