
Tip of the week:

Morris and James Carey
Saturday February 02, 2002


Sting Advice 


Got a nest of insects with stingers near your home? Destroy it by using a spray made for hives that shoots a stream about 20 feet. Sunset is the best time to attack them — when they’re all in the hive. Wear light colors and no scented lotion or perfume. If you look or smell like a flower, they’ll notice. If buzzed, don’t swat. Be still, or move away slowly. If you get stung, remember honeybees sting only once, leaving their stinger behind. To remove it, scrape sideways. This prevents more venom from getting into the skin. Bumblebees, yellow jackets, wasps and hornets have smooth stingers and can sting multiple times. Their venom also attracts others, so exit quickly. Wash with soap and water, use antiseptic, and treat pain and itch with lotions and ice. Or dab on ammonia, meat tenderizer or even mud.