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Barbara Lee must support the end of soft money

Robert Blomberg, Dr.P.H. Berkeley
Thursday February 07, 2002



Next week, the House will vote on a campaign finance reform bill that truly changes politics and policy making in Washington. Sponsored by Congressmen Chris Shays (R-Conn.) and Martin Meehan (D-MA), the bill will put an end to soft money – the unlimited contributions from corporations, labor unions and wealthy individuals. 

Thanks to the courage of a bipartisan coalition who insisted on this vote against the wishes of the House leadership, we have a genuine chance to win this battle. But to reach our goal we must have the support of Rep. Barbara Lee. 

Last year in the first session of this Congress, the Senate passed the nearly identical McCain-Feingold bill. Now, as the House vote approaches, the Enron scandal has once again made clear how important it is to end the corrupting influence of big money. The unchecked power to influence legislation and public policy must be stopped. The momentum is with us now to do just that. 

I have admired Congress- woman Lee for the independence of mind shown by her vote in opposition to the use of violence in response to the attack on the World Trade Center. That respect will be nullified if she does not support campaign finance reform when it will make a difference. I urge readers to contact Lee’s office to urge her to vote FOR the Shays-Meehan bill. 


Robert Blomberg, Dr.P.H. 
