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Anti-gun bigot exposed

Fielding Greaves
Friday February 08, 2002



Remember all those anti-gun rave reviews and sycophant media fanfare for “historian” Michael Bellesisles’ book, Arming America — even before they’d read it? His thesis was that very few Revolutionary era Americans owned firearms, and that any idea of an early armed citizenry was merely a Hollywood-spawned myth.  

A veritable host of academic and journalist critics challenged his accuracy and his “facts.” Many of his cited sources did not say what he claimed they said, and some even said the exact opposite. Now his employer, Emerson University, has demanded that he produce his evidence and respond to the critics -- or else. And he has advanced the “dog-ate-my-homework” argument, claiming (astonishingly, in the computer age!) that his notes were all paper notes, and that they were “destroyed in a flood.” Just another typical anti-gun bigot exposed for lying (and disgracing his profession) by manufacturing bogus data to further his irrational anti-gun phobic agenda.  

Fielding Greaves 

San Rafael