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Berkeley out of the black, into the red

By Devona Walker, Daily Planet Staff
Friday March 01, 2002

Traditionally the city of Berkeley has a midyear fiscal surplus, this year there’s a $1.8 million shortfall, and the finance department’s looking closely at ways to tighten its belt. 

Though staff has not discussed these matters yet with its City Council, the meeting has been pushed back to March 12th, according to Paul Navazio of the finance department, the city will likely look to cutbacks in the current energy program and instituting a selective hiring freeze. 

“In previous year, we’ve had reports where we project to have more money available than what we’ve anticipated,” Navazio said. “And in the past council has been in the position where they were able to add programs to the budget. 

This report is showing we are anticipating revenues to be $1.8 million less. On one hand we have to recognize that and deal with it. And then on the other hand, as to not to get further into the hole in the future we have to make out a five year forecast to further scale back our expenditures.”