
Feinstein’s hubby appointed to UC Board of Regents

The Associated Press
Thursday March 14, 2002

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Gray Davis has appointed U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, to a vacant slot on the University of California Board of Regents. 

Blum, 66, a financier, will serve a 12-year term as one of 18 regents appointed by the governor. 

Blum, who contributed to Davis’ gubernatorial campaign, was appointed Tuesday.  

Blum serves on several company boards including Northwest Airlines and Korea First Bank. He also has served as co-chairman of the World Conference on Religion and Peace. 

Some of Blum’s business interests in China have drawn conflict of interest criticism to Feinstein, D-Calif., during her votes on economic issues related to China. She has said her husband relinquished his Chinese holdings in 1999.