
Future’s bright with glass block walls

The Associated Press
Saturday April 27, 2002

As artistry and functionality creep back into modern home design, glass block re-emerges, not just as a privacy solution for bathroom windows, but as an attractive way to keep light flowing in throughout the home. 

Architects, designers and glass-block manufacturers have put no limit on the uses and styles of glass block. Decorative walls composed of glass block provide subtle dividers in an otherwise open layout, while allowing natural light to spread from room to room. Glass-block sidelights draw light into the foyer while providing privacy. Balcony railings, kitchen snack bars and islands, bathroom showers and artistic wall cutouts all benefit visually from glass block. 

Using a variety of styles, shapes, patterns and materials, you can create a glass-block treatment to fit just about any need. Glass block also solves the problem of light needs and limited views. 

For example, suppose your narrow lot provides a front-row seat to all your neighbors’ activities; glass block allows you to keep the shades open while you still enjoy a measure of privacy. Need extra light where there’s a lesser view? Don’t waste a standard window on a view you wouldn’t enjoy — use glass block.