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Increase in mass transit ridership could boost newspaper readership

Rose M. Green
Thursday July 18, 2002

To the Editor: 

First, accept my compliments for the great improvement you’ve made in the paper. One thing in particular impresses me and that is your sticking to the “Letters to the Editor” rule that only 350 words or less are acceptable. Though I complained to your predecessor, I never saw any change. You now have room for three and often more letters on the page. Thank you. 

Second, I think the Daily Planet and other publications eager to increase their circulation should support mass transit. People driving in cars don’t read; they listen to the radio. 

It’s so obvious that AC Transit and BART riders are your best bet for more readership, I’ve often wondered why newspapers and magazines don’t see it. As a nondriver myself, I never board a bus or train without something to read. 

Keep up the good work. 


Rose M. Green 
