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Tower money might be better spent

Alex Warren
Tuesday July 30, 2002

To the Editor:  

I really find it very upsetting that the council has voted to spend up to $93,000 on studying alternatives to the in place and operational communication tower. I really can’t believe that the neighbors who are protesting the tower’s height weren't aware of it when the plans were available for review. The tower is there to benefit all the citizens of Berkeley and shouldn't be dismantled because of the unreasonable demands of a selfish few. 

I really get sick and tired of the council allowing any neighborhood group that complains enough to ignore the good of the whole city. This is the very same neighborhood group that kept our city from having a courthouse built here by very unreasonable demands. I hope you realize that there are many voters in your district who feel just as I do. The money being spent could be used for programs that benefit people in need of basic necessities rather then some disgruntled neighborhood. 



Alex Warren 
