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Here’s an idea

Steve Schneider Berkeley
Wednesday July 31, 2002

To the Editor: 

We note that Patrick Kennedy, owner of Panoramic Interests, is seeking city planning approval for several new residential buildings in central Berkeley. At the same time he seems unwilling or unable to fulfill his obligation to finish the Gaia Building. Specifically, the ground level spaces supposedly set aside for theater groups and other civic entities.  

The Zoning Adjustment Board and the City Council very generously bestowed on Mr. Kennedy the right to build two or three extra stories (depending on how you count) on the Gaia Building. The building has been occupied for almost a year, but the little theater groups are still waiting. Could it be that the unfinished spaces are low rent spaces and therefore Kennedy has little motivation to finish them? Why not delay approval of future projects until Kennedy complies with his part of the deal?  


Steve Schneider 
