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A few suggestions for public transit

Charles L. Smith Berkeley
Monday August 05, 2002

To the Editor: 


If we really want to increase transit use in the San Francisco Bay Area, here are a few basic points from which to start: 

(1.) Help the 30 to 40 percent of the people who are transit dependent, the people who cannot drive – the elderly, the children, the handicapped, the poor and others who do not drive for other reasons. (2.) Consider the commuters who work regular hours and commute long distances, who amount to somewhere around 20 percent of the people. (3.) Examine the existing bus, rail transit, car pool and van pool systems to determine how they can all be integrated into a more convenient, comfortable and practical total system. (4.) Encourage riders and drivers to submit their ideas to improve the system. Grade transportation supervisors on whether their workers submit ideas.  



Charles L. Smith 
