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Low-frequency sonar a high risk in the water

Sophia Roberts Carmel Valley
Saturday August 10, 2002

To the Editor: 

It is important that we be aware of the impact of the Navy's Low Frequency Sonar technology that was just approved by the Bush Administration. All marine life depends upon hearing for survival; this is why all sea creatures have extremely sensitive hearing. There are already many technologies using the oceans as a medium of communication. Whales and dolphins especially are becoming more confused, losing their families (“schools”) and their bearings. The recent massive strandings of whales may be a response to the sounds, including medium-range sonar already in use by the U.S. Navy, that are making it impossible for whales to function in the ocean. Acoustical damage, plus severe pollution, plus renewed whaling adds up to too much damage. The whales need our help now. 

We have a spiritual obligation to these magnificent intelligent beings who have been on this planet for over 40 millions years. It is both immoral and totally unethical to threaten the lives and habitats of these awesome beings. 


Sophia Roberts 

Carmel Valley