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More on the Middle East

C. Crapotta, C. Crapotta, Berkeley
Monday August 19, 2002

To the Editor: 


It surprises me that in a city such as Berkeley I have not heard of any discussions (much less public rallies) in support of the peaceful spirit of the Palestinian cause – that is, to regain land taken from them in 1948. It seems to me that a community which is pro-civil rights has neglected this particular issue. 

Another point of history: During World War II, Europeans from Italy and Germany were imprisoned in camps in the Oakland area (and perhaps others as well), yet this is not discussed. They were not U.S. citizens, but I know personally a woman who, as a child, was imprisoned along with her mother, and she is still waiting for her apology, requested by her to various U.S. leaders over many years. As long as the 21st century is the time for political/social apologies why not be complete about it? 

Actually, I once listened to a National Public Radio show in which the guest was the author of a book about Japanese-American soldiers during World War II. A Mexican-American veteran called in and his contribution was joyfully received by the show host, but when an Italian-American called in mentioning the Italian internment camps, the host demonstrated what sounded as a rebuke and downplayed the significance of the Italian experience. 





C. Crapotta,  
