
Police Blotter

Tuesday March 23, 2004

Girl Scout Justice 

Berkeley police believe they have arrested the boy who robbed more than $100 from a Girl Scout Troop selling cookies on a Berkeley street corner.  

On Friday police arrested a 16-year-old Berkeley resident who they suspect swiped Troop 3983’s cash box, while two accomplices staged a fight in front of the girls at Center Street and Shattuck Avenue Monday evening.  

Police charged the boy with one count of grand theft, a felony. He was later released to the custody of a parent. Police have not caught the two accomplices. 


Armed Robbery 

Four men robbed a Berkeley resident on the corner of 10th and Hearst streets early Sunday morning, police spokesperson Kevin Schofield said. The victim was on foot when a gray car approached, and four men jumped out. One man had a gun and demanded the victim’s wallet.  


South Berkeley Robbery 

A man robbed a 17-year-old Berkeley resident of his cell phone Tuesday night at the corner of Ashby Avenue and California Street. Police spokesperson Schofield said the robber punched and kicked the victim until he surrendered the phone. 


Purse Snatch 

A woman had her purse snatched on the 2000 block of Stuart Street Saturday evening, Schofield said.