
Water Board to Hear Campus Bay Cleanup Report on Wednesday By RICHARD BRENNEMAN

Tuesday March 15, 2005

San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board members will hear the latest developments at Richmond’s Campus Bay waterfront Wednesday morning in downtown Oakland. 

Curtis Scott, who has been supervising the site, will give his report when the board meets at 9 a.m. in the first floor auditorium of the Elihu M. Harris Building at 1515 Clay St. in Oakland. 

Excavations of toxics-laden muck from the shoreline marsh ended March 1 and are scheduled to resume in September. Removal of already excavated muck continues. 

The March stoppage deadline—originally set for Feb. 1—was imposed to protect the endangered clapper rail shorebird which nests on the site. 

Meanwhile, the state Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), which assumed jurisdiction over the upland portion of the site in December, is still seeking applicants to serve on its Community Advisory Group, which is charged with serving as a conduit between the public and the state agency. 

In a review of site-cleanup activities released Monday, the DTSC reports that most of the site has been surrounded by a fence labeling the property as a hazardous waste site. 

The report also notes that 11,000 tons of excavated marsh sediment were trucked off the site last week to the Altamont and Keller Canyon landfills, while 4,000 cubic yards of highly contaminated muck remained stockpiled at the site.  

DTSC also reports that concentrations of dangerous volatile organic compounds exceeding state action levels by 2.2 times were recorded briefly on March 8 during the loading and transport of excavated sediments.