

Tuesday August 09, 2005

Beaten, robbed 

A gang of two men and one woman robbed and assaulted a 55-year-old Berkeley man just before 1:30 a.m. Thursday. 

After a witness reported the crime, the victim refused medical aid from the crew of a Berkeley Fire Department ambulance, said Berkeley Police spokesperson Officer Joe Okies. 


Neighbors intervene 

After they spotted a burglar breaking into an apartment on Piedmont Avenue near the corner of Bancroft Way Thursday morning, two residents set out in pursuit, catching the fellow and holding him till officers arrived. 

The 20-year-old burglar was nailed in possession of two shirts, all he could rip off before he was spotted. 

Police book him on suspicion of burglary and possession of stolen property. 


Drunk, and more 

A routine traffic stop ended unhappily for a 53-year-old man officers spotted driving on the wrong side of the road at 5:46 p.m. Thursday. 

By the time the dust had settled, the driver was in handcuffs, facing a smorgasbord of charges, including drunk driving, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, driving on a suspended license, two charges relating to driving with an unsecured child in the car, driving on the wrong side of the road, contempt of court and parole violation. 


Odwalla heist 

At the same time officers stopped an errant driver, other officers were arresting a 19-year-old on suspicion of robbing the Berkeley Bowl. 

Resisting the security guard who grabbed him boosting a bottle of Odwalla juice turned the simple shoplift into the far more serious robbery rap. 


Wallet robbed 

A gunman robbed a fellow of his wallet as he walked along the 3000 block of College Avenue about 12:30 a.m. Saturday, then fled on foot before police arrived, said Officer Okies.  


Chevron heist 

Two men, one armed with a pistol, robbed the till at Claremont Chevron about 5:15 p.m. Saturday. 


Dog bites 

Police responded to two dog bite cases Sunday, one at the animal shelter on Second Street which was reported at 3:36 p.m., and a second in the 900 block of Cragmont Avenue at 5:57 p.m. 

Officer Okies said he was unable to identify the breeds involved in the incidents. 


Wallet robbers 

A pair of bandits, at least one of them brandishing a pistol, robbed a 33-year-old man of his wallet near the corner of Shattuck Avenue and Woolsey Street just before 7:30 p.m. Sunday. 

They were last seen fleeing in a four-door foreign import, said Officer Okies.