Election Section

Ambling Toward Christmas By Dorothy V. Benson

Tuesday December 27, 2005

Not something outlandishly lacy from Macy’s 

or pearls to hang ‘round my neck. What the heck, 

you know I’m not fussy. 


Ecology demands you demur on fur 

and I’ve not the demeanor for a new vacuum cleaner. 

Don’t give me anything mussy 

(like a kitty or doggy). 


I wouldn’t expect to stick you with tickets 

or a case of fine wine to dine on 

(I’d only get groggy). 


I’m easy to please, so no trips to Belize. 

I do want to urge there’s no need to splurge, 

and hope you’ll agree. 


My name on some doodad won’t make me feel too bad. 

So get me a gift from the neighborhood thrift, 

‘cause that’s what your getting from me.