Home & Garden Columns

Quake Tip of the Week

By Larry Guillot
Friday October 06, 2006

How’s Your Earthquake Knowledge? 


Rate yourself: Are the following statements true, or false? 

1. If your home was retrofitted in the last 5 years, you’re likely to be in good shape. 

2. Your water heater is the only appliance that really needs to be secured. 

3. Most injuries in earthquakes are from the resulting fires. 

4. Most earthquake damage is caused by the resulting displacement of soil. 



1. Unfortunately, there are contractors out there who are not performing complete and adequate retrofits. One of the best contractors in the area says that fully 30 percent of his business is coming along behind other contractors and doing the job right.  

2. It is recommended to secure furnaces, refrigerators, and washers/dryers. 

3. Most injuries are caused by objects falling on people.  

4. Most earthquake damage is caused by shaking.  



Larry Guillot is the owner of QuakePrepare, an earthquake consulting, securing and kit supply service. Contact him at 558-3299 or see www.quakeprepare.com to receive semi-monthly e-mails and safety reports.