Home & Garden Columns

Quake Tip: The Valves Are Coming! The Valves Are Coming!

By Larry Guillot
Friday December 08, 2006

You may have noticed that Contra Costa County has passed an ordinance requiring houses that are being sold to have an automatic gas shut-off valve. This will apply to all areas that are unincorporated, which means a lot of homes.  

I must commend the county on such a wise move, and I’ll venture to say that before long most cities and counties in the Bay area will follow suit. Why? Because it’s not just an issue of “encouraging” people to save their homes, but it has repercussions for whole neighborhoods. When a Big One hits, a house that catches fire (from a ruptured gas line igniting), increases the chance of neighboring houses catching fire.  

We’re seeing a huge increase in the number of folks interested in having a valve installed. This is going to make us all safer. 



Larry Guillot is owner of QuakePrepare, an earthquake consulting, securing, and kit supply service. Call him at 558-3299, or visit www.quakeprepare.com.