
Column: A Hunters Point Teen Speaks Out

By Jernee Suga’ Baby Carter
Tuesday February 06, 2007

EDITOR’S NOTE: This week Susan Parker turns her column over to guest columnist Jernee Suga’ Baby Carter, writing in response to the Daily Planet’s call for writers to follow in Molly Ivins’s footsteps.  


Susan comes to me asking me to write an article. “How much do I get paid?” was the first thing out of my mouth.  

She asked me, “How do you feel about the war in Iraq?”  

This question put my mind to work. I hear people talk about it all the time, but I never really say anything myself. Teachers ask us about it at school, but I never raise my hand.  

I hear all the time that the war is wrong. I don’t know what we’re really in it for. I ask different people and the answer is always different. They say things like, “They won’t share their oil.”  

“Why should they?” I ask. “It’s their oil.”  

How would you feel if someone asked you for money? Would you give it to them, or would you keep it to yourself, thinking you have to look out for you and only you? 

Some people tell me that the war is about 9/11 and how Saddam Hussein killed all those people. I was always told two wrongs don’t make a right. Why would America go there and do the same thing? Adults are always making rules up for us kids, but they don’t ever take their own advice. They tell us killing is wrong, but every day people are killed in Iraq. 

Some people say Bush is an idiot. They don’t want him as president. Some say they never voted for him. I saw on the news that they took a poll and nobody likes him. If this is true, then how the hell did he become president? 

Some people come to my school and try to recruit new soldiers. None of my friends want to join up. To them, even going to the wrong neighborhood is like going to war. Some of my friends have been shot over little stuff, like being in the wrong place, talking to the wrong people, or because they make more money than the next guy. So why would they want to get shot in a country that probably doesn’t give a rat’s ass about them?  

A little hint to all those people in charge of getting recruits: try and send someone who is actually good at making a presentation. Send someone who can answer my questions.  

A guy came to my school and told us that the army is all about teamwork, and that when you get out, they will pay for your college education. Paying for my college education is a good thing, but what about if I don’t get out? What if I get killed? I asked the guy and he said that not everyone comes back. “So why would I want to go?” I asked. He went into a ten-minute speech, but he never answered my question. 

I go to a continuation school. Everyone there is about 16 or older. He told us that we could enter the army at 18 and not have to finish school. Wait, I’m confused again. I thought the adults wanted us to get our education. Everyone in my class was excited that they could quit school and go into the army. But then a light bulb went off in my brain. Without being called on or raising my hand, I yelled out “I’m not old enough to drink or vote yet, but I’m old enough to die for a country that don’t really care about me or my education?” The class fell silent. The teachers looked at me as if I’d just broken the law. I’m waiting for the man to give me the answer. He takes too long so I yell it again. Then I got kicked out of the classroom. 

I just wanted to know why I was old enough to maybe die over there in Iraq, but not old enough to buy a drink or even vote for what I think is right.  

The End.