Home & Garden Columns

Quake Tip of the Week

By Larry Guillot
Friday April 13, 2007

Are you read to walk? 

When the Hayward Fault ruptures, if it’s a big one like the geologists say it well could be, we can expect that many roads will be impassable and, if you’re caught out in your car, driving home will not be an option. 

So it’s a great idea to have an emergency kit, a pair of sneakers or walking shoes, and some extra water in your vehicle. Depending upon where you are and how far from home (or other destination), you could be walking for a couple of days.  

Make this part of your plan and discuss with family members what will be your meeting location. After the quake, you won’t be talking on the phone—land line or cell—and you don’t want to be guessing about these things. 



Larry Guillot is owner of QuakePrepare, an earthquake consulting, securing, and kit supply service. Call him at 558-3299, or visit www.quakeprepare.com.