The Editor's Back Fence

Now Read This: A Selection of Links of Interest to Berkeley and Environs

Friday October 15, 2010 - 08:16:00 AM

The respected Pesticide Action Network has identified a problem with a recent New York Times report on what's causing bees to die off world wide: The article failed to disclose that the study it reported on was paid for by a pesticide manufacturer, the Bayer corporation. Check out their charges here.

From the Jewish Voice for Peace site: "The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is at it again. They just came up with a list of the top ten most influential anti-Israel Groups in America, and Jewish Voice for Peace makes the list. We appreciate the honor, except that the ADL--as usual--got a few things wrong in describing us." Read all about it here.

The Daily Cal reported on a rash of armed robberies in Berkeley and Oakland this week. And here's another one, at Top Dog this time.

And after all these years, the Mainstream Media finally catches on about UC/BP which Planet readers have known about for years.

It's curious that Professor Robert Reich's latest blog entry denounces political advertising paid for by corporate interests, considering that he himself endorsed Berkeley's Measure R, whose direct mail advertising is funded by Sam Zell's Equity Residential Corporation. Is Berkeley becoming a plutocracy? 

And the online Bay Citizen has picked up Councilmember Jesse Arreguin's new proposal to allow people to sell produce from home gardens legally in Berkeley.