Arts & Events

Don't Miss This

By Dorothy Snodgrass
Wednesday November 17, 2010 - 09:24:00 AM

For its many innovative programs, all free, the Main Berkeley Public Library is due lavish praise. And much credit should go to Debbie Carton, Music and History Librarian ( a Whirling Dervish if ever there was one!) Her popular and ever expanding program ,"Play Reading for Adults" is held every Wednesday from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. in the Fourth Floor Story Room, attracting more than 20 participants, who sit in a circle at a round table, reading from the selected play ("Cyrano" being the latest.) On Tuesday, December 14th at 6:30 p.m. Playreaders will present a staged reading of Dylan Thomas' Under Milk Wood" in the Library's 3rd floor Meeting Room. 

But last Sunday theatre lovers were offered a profoundly moving experience with the "Book Into Film" program. For this program, we were to read Carson McCuller's award winning novel, "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" at home, then gather to watch the film together, followed by an animated discussion. In this tender but intensely dramatic story, set in a small Georgia town, the author has created unforgettable characters -- a deaf mute devoted to his obese, slow-witted Greek friend; a black physician dying of cancer but still caring for his patients; a young girl caught in poverty, but dreaming of owning her own piano some day; and Willie, a black youth who loses his feet through an unfortunate accident. 

As to be expected, there's much racial violence in this film, with blacks attacked by angry white men and hatred taking over the community. Yet in the end, McCuller offers hope, even assurance, that peace and order will be restored to this small southern town. 

It should be noted that in addition to drama and literature, the Library often presents Noontime Concerts. On Thursday, December 9th, 12:15 - 1:00 p.m. on the Fifth Floor Art and Music Room Jazz pianist Bill Bell will perform jazz standards and seasonal favorites, getting the holiday season off to an early start.