Arts & Events

Don't Miss This: Christmas Cheer

By Dorothy Snodgrass
Tuesday November 23, 2010 - 05:27:00 PM

Given the number of home foreclosures, the intrusive and demeaning "pat downs" at airports, and now the threat of North Korea nuclear attacks, it would appear that this year's holiday season is off to a dismal start. Maybe not. The child in all of us still reflects on Christmases of the past and we're not too jaded to look for activities that relate to this very special holiday. Accordingly, we offer several events that might rekindle your own holiday spirit. 

Unless you're "Nutcrackered" to death, you may consider taking the children in your family to two performances of this old favorite. One, set in a Pacific Heights mansion, will be given by the S. F. Ballet, Dec. 9-27, $32-$125; (415) 865-2000. A more modest version is offered by the Contra Costa Ballet, Dec. 2-4, with a school performances on Dec. 2 and 3 at 1 p.m. ( 

For ballet at its absolute finest, the Smuin Ballet will appear Dec. 15-24 at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. (415) 978-2787. 

The Great Dickens Christmas Fair (all three acres) will be held Nov. 26 - Dec. 19 at the Cow Palace Exhibition Hall. (800--510)-1588. 

Another annual favorite (one we never seem to tire of) is " A Christmas Carol" at S.F.'s ACT Theatre, Dec. 2-24, $13-$83. (415) 749-2228. 

If you're looking for one of a kind holiday gifts, get yourself over to the "Celebration of Craftswomen" Nov. 27-28 and Dec. 4-5, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the Fort Mason Center - Herbst Pavillion, S.F., (650) 615-6838. 

How about a musical version of Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women" at Hayward's Douglas Morrison Theatre; $20-28; (50) 978-2787? 

Beloved by children is "Velveteen Rabbit", an ODC Dance Theatre production, through Dec. 12th at Yerba Buena. $15 - $45. (415) 978-2787. 

"Christmas at Ardenwood House" in Fremont features yule log hunts, plus a tour of a Victorian Farm House built in 1857, Dec. 9-12 and 16-19. (510) 791-4196. 

The Berkeley Artisans’ Open Studios are held weekends Nov. 27-Dec. 19. (510) 845-2612. 

The beautiful Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland will present the Pacific Mozart Ensemble, Dec. 4th, 8 p.m., as well as the Piedmont High School Acapella Choir, Dec. 13, 

8 p.m. and the S.F. Boys Chorus Dec. 18 at 8 p.m. (510) 496-7280. 

On Dec. 16 and 17, at 7:30 p.m. the American Bach Soloists will perform Handel's beloved "Messiah" at Grace Cathedral. $20 - $70. (415) 621-7900. 

If none of the above puts you in a "ho, ho" mood, you're obviously just an old Scrooge! So bah humbug to you!