
Berkeley's (Most?) Beautiful Tree

By Steven Finacom
Sunday February 05, 2012 - 05:06:00 PM
Steven Finacom
Steven Finacom
Steven Finacom
Steven Finacom
Steven Finacom
Steven Finacom

I’m wary of saying something is “the best” or “the only” or “the oldest”, because it’s usually not possible to know for sure. 

But I think that it might be reasonable to say that, for a week or two each year, this flowering magnolia in North Berkeley is the most beautiful tree in town, at least among those visible from the public right of way. Many readers will recognize it—it’s at 1525 Walnut, on the block south of Vine and Walnut Square. 

With seven main branches, it forms a glorious dome in front of an older house converted to offices. The flowers are almost pure white, with the slightest yellow blush. 

As of this writing—Saturday, February 4, 2012—the blossoms are opening, but still slightly cupped, and only a scattering of petals have fallen to the ground. 

It doesn't seem quite right to say it's a harbinger of spring, since we've hardly had any winter this year, and these magnolias can, in our climate, start blooming as early as December. But it's still a wonderful sight on a walk.