Public Comment

Join Monday March to Commemorate 50th Anniversary of March on Washington

By Harry Brill
Saturday August 24, 2013 - 01:32:00 PM

I Hope you will join the East Bay Tax the Rich Group Monday, Aug. 26, 5-6pm near the top of Solano to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. This was a broad based movement, which included both the radical SNCC and the relatively conservative Urban League. Together, about one quarter of a million people marched against poverty and racism. It was at this event that Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his wise and eloquent speech, "I Have a Dream" This march played a major role in promoting the enactment of several progressive laws, including the rights of minorities and poor people to vote and also the enactment of the poverty program. 

Now many of the gains made are being whittled away. Minorities and poor people are confronting very difficult obstacles to voting. And poverty is increasing. In fact, census data reveals that since 2009 household income has declined by over 4 percent. For African-Americans the decline during this period is almost 11 percent. It is tremendously important to appreciate our progressive history. We can learn from and be inspired by past accomplishments that demonstrate how unified political action could result in major achievements. So please come and celebrate with us this Monday.