Public Comment

Why Community?

By Harry Brill
Friday February 28, 2014 - 04:44:00 PM

For 2 1/2 years on the streets of Solano Avenue our East Bay Tax the Rich Group has been building community. Why is community important? For political activists a community minded perspective improves the odds of winning political battles. That's why achieving solidarity is often a strategic objective for organized labor. 

But the commitment to building community should not be to serve only pragmatic objectives. It should be an end in itself as well. Human beings have a social nature. Through our broad human connections, and not only with family and friends, we experience a sense of well being and the joy of living. Our individualistic oriented culture tends to isolate us from each other, and prompts us to withdraw. It even makes us feel lonely. Being members of a larger community brings us together, and helps us feel whole. Accordingly, we feel replenished rather than fatigued. Community provides an ideal context for developing our human potential.  

We are proud of what we have been trying to accomplish on Solano Avenue. Indeed, it explains why we have been rallying weekly for so long. Our Tax the Rich activists are each unique individuals. But we have a common bond to build upon. We care about making a difference.