Public Comment

New: U.C. Berkeley's Grizzly Peak Turnouts Are Lethal

Hank Chapot
Monday August 18, 2014 - 05:46:00 PM

These UC owned scenic spots are the ugliest turnouts in the West, and because the Eucalyptus log benches are on top of the cliffs and the set-up invites you to hang out on the cliff side of the benches, they should be considered an attractive nuisance and more deaths are predictable. 

In a letter to the East Bay Express a few months ago, I wrote, "Good turnouts are paved, they have a wide 3-4 foot stone wall enclosing the viewsite, the wall is wide enough with a thirty foot drop on the other side to deter exploration. The Eucalyptus logs should be removed and a safe perimeter built. Trashcans would help." 

These improvements should go in before UC gets sued. There is so much drinking, drug use, littering, illegal fires, fireworks and car sex going on up there it's a wonder there aren't more deaths.