Public Comment

Noise at "Berkeley Streets"

Norma Harrison
Thursday October 16, 2014 - 10:30:00 PM

I set aside time, leaving out going to Soto-Vigil's lovely gathering at James Kenney Park where I'd talk with neighbors as well as advance my campaign for the seat on the Berkeley school board. But tolerating the noise at Berkeley Streets WORE me OUT! I stood it for less than an hour - shouting at the top of my lungs to be heard, asking people about their interest relative the voting, and not being able to decipher most of what was said back to me.  

And just to be sure the noise was endless - huge volume from a rap-dance group - then, walking away from that, being effectively followed by a drum corps - they're very good, unspeakably loud, trying to dodge the noise, going back the other way another electrically amplified site countered my efforts. Meanwhile a bicycle with amplified 'music' rolled by several times topping off the intolerable noise-volume already going on, touting Meas. R. 

And NO decibel limit. After all, the higher the volume the more 'fun' we're having - right?!NOT. The more story people are telling themselves - that they're having fun - because the noise is great.