Public Comment

Politics and its effect on the poor and voiceless

Romila Khanna
Thursday April 30, 2015 - 03:44:00 PM

What has happened to our mind-set? Why do we sit quietly and watch the political games going on in Washington? Do we no longer believe we can revive our dying democracy? Have we given up on the power of our own unity? Why did we allow money power to break the unity among poor, needy and lower middle class people? Why did we start believing in the advertisements and propaganda of those who have money to throw on elections? 

We are pursued by wrong messages. We are getting wrong information from candidates for the 2016 elections. It is high time we start to focus on their real aims. Let the poor and needy be ignored. Let children and seniors be left to fend for themselves. If people are ignorant of the real aims of nice sounding politicians they vote for them. But we need to have critical minds. We need to participate in political meetings. We need to check the facts candidates present to us. 

I believe that there will be no real progress if children are left behind. Today's children are the leaders of tomorrow. Don't take away their rights to have the same opportunity as children of the rich. Why is our district cutting nearly 50% of early childhood money from the budget? How will we help the needy and poor families? How will children from poor families and bad neighborhoods get quality early education? I am urging board members, local governments and Alameda County to make sure that quality education for young children never suffer