Public Comment

Mother's Day

Romila Khanna
Saturday May 09, 2015 - 01:21:00 PM

All companies give their employees vacation time so they can take a break from their daily routine. Why don't households give a similar break to mothers? Mother's day is every day. Buying mothers flowers or taking them to a restaurant is no substitute for helping lighten their chores every day. 

Their work never stops. Even when they sleep, they dream of ways of making their children thrive. They want their children to develop their physical, intellectual and mental abilities in a secure environment. I want to point out the predicament of working mothers who lack means and family support to get their young children into high quality early education facilities. They need quality schools free of cost so that the US can become a more egalitarian society. Those who lack money for private high quality early schooling for children should not be trapped. They should be able to fulfill their dream of giving their children the best chance possible. Access to quality early schooling for their children would be a great Mother's Day gift for those who don't already have everything.