Public Comment

Candidates like Cruz

Bruce Joffe
Friday December 11, 2015 - 04:05:00 PM

Republican presidential hopefuls like Ted Cruz oppose gun registration, regulation, and restriction because they don't want "the government" to have more intrusive powers. What other institution do Americans have to protect them from no-fly-list terrorists, mentally unstable people and criminals acquiring guns? Our government agencies require people to pass a test before they are licensed to drive a car, practice law, or even cut hair. Surely the purchase of killing machines and ammunition should require passing a background check, a safety test, registering in a national database, and screening for subsequent infractions that would disqualify gun ownership.  

Candidates like Cruz want to limit the ability of our government to prevent mass shootings, which now account for three times more deaths than we suffered on 9/11. They pose as "outsiders" when actually are completely embedded in corporation-sponsored corruption of our government. It is time to vote against Republicans like Cruz, and turn them into the outsiders they pretend to be.