
Patrick Kennedy Promotes Stacked Coffins for the Homeless (Public Comment)

Aldo Moreason (Grace Underpressure)
Monday January 09, 2017 - 09:58:00 AM
Coffins are an efficient way to use space, as cemetery staff have known for centuries, so this is very green.
Coffins are an efficient way to use space, as cemetery staff have known for centuries, so this is very green.
PATRICK KENNEDY’S PANORAMIC INTERESTS IS HOPING to use city money and city land to situate these magnificent opportunities for poor people to finally live in their own coffin as a way to get both a sense of belonging and get off the streets, not to mention envision their future.
PATRICK KENNEDY’S PANORAMIC INTERESTS IS HOPING to use city money and city land to situate these magnificent opportunities for poor people to finally live in their own coffin as a way to get both a sense of belonging and get off the streets, not to mention envision their future.

Stacked coffins and storage containers may seem like a startling solution to homelessness, but Panoramic Interests press liaison and communications consultant David Friedlander says it’s the logical step for a city which simply wants to stay on the market rate real estate gravy train.

Critics were outraged that the San Francisco Chronicle gave editorial space to what was essentially a commercial for developer Patrick Kennedy’s Panoramic Interests’ most cynical ploy to date, forcing the poor into stacked shipping containers and coffins utilizing San Francisco’s anti-tent and anti-sitting legislation.

“This isn’t green; tents are green,” fumed one local camper. “What idiot camps in a stupid coffin?”

“Dead people do,” pointed out Friedlander, noting that “you never hear complaints from them about it, either.”

“Stacked shipping containers may not be everyone’s first choice for a home,” acknowledged Friedlander, “but neither is the Millenium Tower anymore.” 

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is satire.