
ON MENTAL ILLNESS: Trump's War on Disabled People

Jack Bragen
Saturday June 23, 2018 - 12:40:00 PM

A fundamental part of Trump's strategy for dominating the American people is the use of intimidation as a weapon. Trump would like to make Americans afraid to speak out against him or to defy him in other ways. We have seen this as effective in countries other than the U.S., such as Putin's ironclad hold on power in Russia, and the oppressive patriarchy of North Korea. In either of those countries, attempting to speak freely could get a person killed. 

I am unclear as the role of CNN in this. Is CNN truly defying Trump by speaking the truth? Or, are they a force that makes him look more evil and more frightening, a figure resembling Darth Vader? On the surface of it, it appears that CNN has bias against Trump, since Trump lies continuously, and CNN purportedly supports 'the truth.' 

However, much of CNN's advertising revenue comes from the oil and energy companies. I do not have access to the amounts; however, I repeatedly see commercials on CNN bought by oil and fossil fuel energy companies. 

Trump would have you believe he is another Genghis Khan, another Napoleon, or worse. He feeds on that. And it enhances his power grab, since some individuals are quick to get out of his way. 

The effects of this administration on people with disabilities are devastating. Trump is waging psychological, economic, and executive warfare on the disabled. The Republicans are trying to bolster their bogus budget by raiding Social Security and gutting Obamacare. They are also slashing affordable housing. Any program that has mercy for the disabled and/or disadvantaged is a target for the Trump Administration. 

Disabled individuals are among the most vulnerable, because it is harder for this group to stand up for our rights, for the following reasons: It appears that most people with disabilities are restricted by means of economic deprivation. Disabled people, whether their disability is physical or psychiatric, could be physically unable to get out and demonstrate, due to medications that limit physical energy, or that limit the ability to be out in the elements. Some people in wheelchairs have demonstrated, but this is a more difficult feat than someone who can just drive to the general area of the assembly, and walk long distances. 

Disabled people are often under the thumb of organizations that provide housing and treatment, and it may be a lot harder for us to organize in any significant way. 

The effects of the Trump Administration on those afflicted with brain-induced paranoia add injury to insult. It is part of Trump's political strategy to use public paranoia as a means of manipulation. Thus, since Trump took office, the level of paranoia in the general public has surged, and paranoia has become normalized. Because of that, it is a lot harder for a person who suffers from brain-induced paranoia to calm ourselves down, to remember that it doesn't have to be The End, and to maintain that little bit of naiveté or trust that tells us to believe what people are telling us. 

Since lies are the bread and butter of the Trump administration, it is much harder for paranoid people to trust any branch of government. Lies are poison for people with paranoid or delusional tendencies, and can worsen our condition or can even lead to a relapse, if bad enough. 

Finally, the Trump administration is using mentally ill as a scapegoat to blame for the upsurge in mass shootings across the U.S. of recent years. Even while he blames mental illness for these crimes, he has done nothing whatsoever to help mentally ill people get into treatment and housing, things that would alleviate a lot of the resentment and that would make it easier to keep a helpful eye on us. Instead, he is slashing services of all kinds. If he actually wanted to create more jobs, he would introduce bills that would provide training and placement for people with disabilities. I haven't heard of this happening. 

Thus, Trump's Presidency is poisonous to the disabled. Since he intends to make conditions worse for mentally ill people, this will make the U.S. less safe and more hostile for all citizens. 

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