Public Comment

The Pipe Bomber

Jagjit Singh
Friday October 26, 2018 - 04:36:00 PM

Donald Trump has fomented violence throughout his presidency whipping up his supporters into a frenzy at his rallies, with “I'll beat the crap out of you" "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it. " The crowd roared “lock her up (Hillary Clinton) with a little coaxing from their leader. “I’d like to punch him in the face. I’ll tell ya,” Man charged with punching protester at a Trump rally “Yes, he deserved it. The next time we may have to kill him.” 

Trump praises Montana congressman who body-slammed a reporter. Last year, he tweeted a video showing him tackling and punching a figure with a CNN logo over its face. This is a man who uses the bully pulpit to bully his critics and stoke violence. Oh so brave! This is man who escaped the Vietnam draft multiple times for a heel bone spur! He railed on the media as fake news who were critical of his policies with tragic predictable results. He smugly pretended to be more presidential at a recent rally pummeling the media for the terrorist pipe bomb attacks. He carefully avoided naming his critics, the target of the attacks by name. Oh, Republicans remain silent, prostrate before your master lest his wrath force you back in the soup lines.