Public Comment

Lock Him Up

Tejinder Uberoi
Friday December 21, 2018 - 10:25:00 PM

Kudos to Judge Emmet Sullivan who expressed his disgust and outrage over Michael Flynn’s treasonable actions following months of fawning over President Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. 

Flynn and his ilk erroneously thought that regardless of the gravity of their crimes all would be forgiven and they could escape jail time provided they cooperated with prosecutors by offering them valuable information. Sullivan was right to accuse Flynn of treason. This should give pause to other miscreants who contemplate similar acts for personnel gain. Flynn is the same man who gleefully led the chant “lock her up” humiliating Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. 

We have a long history of failing to hold high government officials accountable for their crimes. 

For example America’s war in Vietnam, authorized by the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was routed in deceit falsely accusing the North Vietnamese of firing on a US gunboat, the mythical WMDs launched the disastrous war in Iraq, hunting down our former ally bin Laden resulting in a never ending war in Afghanistan and finally the failure of the Obama Justice Department to punish the worst offenders in the 2008 financial crisis emboldened their shameless behavior.