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San Pablo business robbed at gunpoint

Daily Planet Staff
Tuesday April 18, 2000

An armed robber took the days receipts and money from the safe of the U-Haul Company location on San Pablo Avenue late Friday afternoon. 

Two employees had locked the front door and the side gate to the parking lot in the rear of the building and assumed they had sufficiently locked up the shop, said Capt. Bobby Miller of the Berkeley Police Department. 

Around 5 p.m., the suspect, wearing a red bandana that covered his face like a mask, walked into the office leading from the parking lot and pointed a semi-automatic handgun at the two employees. The suspect pulled a bag from his pocket and gave it to one of the employees and told him to open the safe and the cash register, and put the money in the bag. 

He shoved the handgun into the other man’s side. After the employee gave him the money, more than $1,000, the robber forced both men into the bathroom. 

From the window of the bathroom the employees saw the suspect – approximately 5 feet, 7 inches tall, 120 pounds – climb over a 6-foot gate and leave the site and get away on foot. 

The suspect, an African-American male wearing a dark jacket and light-colored blue jeans, may have been hiding in the parking lot between the trucks, said Miller.