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Proud to be part of Berkeley

Mandeep S. Gill
Thursday November 08, 2001



I am so proud of my city (Berkeley) standing up in the face of the lockstep jingoistic insanity going on in this country. Do most Americans “really” feel safer now that we’re bombing the living hell out of Afghan peasants? 

I hope so, indeed. 

As for me –– I feel glad that Berkeley is so far ahead of its time, looking so very many years into the future, when the rest of humanity catches up (if it survives) and learns that acting righteous and keeping one’s boot on the neck of those born by some chance in another place isn’t what gets us the most security. Or fulfillment either –– but at least the most militaristic minds of our nation can be happy for now as we wreak our holy vengeance, yes? 

In Truth, Justice –– and the “real” American Way. 


Mandeep S. Gill 

Palo Alto 

U.C. Berkeley grad student