
SF Bar Association announces scholarship for Afghan women

The Associated Press
Wednesday December 12, 2001

SAN FRANCISCO — The Bar Association of San Francisco announced Tuesday the establishment of a three-year law school scholarship at Golden Gate University to be awarded to an Afghan woman. 

“Through the tragic events of Sept. 11, the world has come to know the abuses inflicted by a succession of governments in Afghanistan on its own people, particularly its women,” said bar president Angela Bradstreet. “This scholarship is one step toward correcting these injustices.” 

The Legal Advancement of Afghan Women Scholarship is intended to serve as a model for other law schools and bar associations throughout the United States. 

Applications for the scholarship, which will be supervised by a joint selection committee from BASF and Golden Gate University, are currently available to interested students through BASF. The committee then will oversee the application and selection process, with the goal of choosing the scholarship winner by the end of the first quarter of 2002. 

Preliminary steps have already been taken to identify potential candidates for the scholarship, which is open to female Afghan students from around the world.