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Remember, don’t be mindless

Charmaine Soldat
Friday June 21, 2002

To the Editor: 

Money makes the world go round, so if we Americans wish to take our country back from criminal capitalists, we don't encourage hem by buying what they sell and tell us, with what we don't need or believe. 

Just one case in point.  

We buy bottled drinking water and walk down the street sucking at a nipple like a baby. It seems Americans are unconscience in often deceptive advertising, to pay for their water that is already available and paid for by us in the form of our municipal water supply. So, we pay twice for which we already have and much more if its sugar water that comes in all sorts of colors, flavors and fizzles, with little if any nutritional value. Perhaps it is because we get a pretty label on a plastic bottle to fill our waste dumps. By the way, besides water, we pay for those too.  

New isn't necessarily better, nor is so-called progress that pollutes and poisons us and our common home, the Earth. Being a mindless consumer is not the way. 

It wouldn't take long to strip corporations of grotesque profits by which they write their own plutocratic laws and practices, to our detriment, by buying off like-minded politicians—with our money. 

American citizens pay the bills with our labors, taxes, even our lives, and then elect corrupt politicians, whether Democrat or Republican as if only those two parties possess exceptional qualities) to represent us—we over look the other way. 

Are we insane or just plain stupid? 


Charmaine Soldat 
