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Alta Bates/Summit Nurses Strike

By Judith Scherr
Friday October 12, 2007

Alta Bates/Summit nurses and their supporters were walking the picket line Thursday in the second day of what the California Nurse’s Association calls “the biggest RN strike this decade.” 

Nurses at all 15 Northern California Summit Hospitals walked out Wednesday. They are demanding that the hospital write into their contracts state-mandated staff-to-patient ratios; they want relief nurses so they can take breaks; they want help to lift heavy patients and they object to increases in their healthcare costs.  

“I often don’t get to take meal breaks,” Eric Koch, Alta Bates RN, on the picket line in front of the hospital at Ashby Avenue near Colby Street, told the Daily Planet on Thursday. That’s because, he said, usually at least one of his five patients will require his assistance.  

Another nurse standing near Koch, who asked not to be named, said she does her charting after her regular workday because she is attending patients at other times. “If you complain, your supervisor will tell you to organize your time better,” she said. “Many people don’t report their overtime.” 

The nurses say the new healthcare proposals are bizarre. According to retired nurse Judy Lifshag, who was on the picket line supporting the other nurses, the hospital is asking that the nurses either pay a new $90 monthly fee for their benefits or that they go to a health trainer—who is not a health professional—who will make sure they are losing weight, eating better, etc.  

“Six times a year, you have to report to a health coach,” Lifshag said. 

“I will not allow them to invade my privacy, so I’ll pay,” Koch said. 

The nurses had planned to go back to work today (Friday), but Alta Bates has hired replacement workers for five days. They expect to be locked out for three days. The nurses at Alta Bates on Thursday said they would try to go to work anyway. 

Multiple calls over several days to Carolyn Kemp, spokesperson for Alta Bates/Summit Hospital, were not returned by deadline.