Public Comment

Trump’s Hall of Shame

Jagjit Singh
Saturday August 22, 2020 - 03:47:00 PM

Leading contender for the worst of the swamp is Attorney General, William Barr, who abandoned his former career as a respectable lawyer and fell into the rabbit hole as Trump’s personal lawyer. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is a close second and Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo third. DeVos has a reputation of gross mismanagement and smug arrogance. She uses every opportunity to trash public education and direct scarce federal dollars to private and religious schools. 

Pompeo has hollowed out the State Department, weakened our former NATO alliances and embraced the dark side of humanity, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other autocratic regimes selling them $billions in killing machines to slaughter innocent men, women and children. He continues Trump’s policy of imposing crippling sanctions on Iran’s theocracy which the US help create. I urge readers to watch the recently released documentary “COUP53” which describes in graphic detail how the CIA and Britain’s MI6 overthrew the democratically leader of Iran Mohammad Mosaddegh in a blatant theft of their oil. Under Tramp and Pompeo‘s watch, the US has become one of the most reviled nations in the world. 

Another candidate is Trump donor, the “fox guarding the hen house”, postmaster general Louis DeJoy, who is getting glowing accolades from anti-democratic groups for undercutting post office efficiency and advancing Trump’s reelection prospects. Destroying the postal service would also advance DeJoy’s business interests having invested $70 million in companies that compete with the United States Postal Service. He has no experience running the USPS but as a Trump toady and donor he must follow the wishes of his master. He is not part of the cabinet but is a fierce contender for toady-in-chief. Perhaps he should receive a special award for driving a stake into our democracy.  

A wonderful sign at the women’s’ 2017 march in Washington, is an apt description of the swamp: “I’ve seen better cabinets at Ikea!” 

Mike Pence is a special case. As an avowed Christian he has ignored Trump’s many transgressions, always gazing at him with adoring eyes and showering him with flattery for his “great vision and guidance.” Jesus would be so proud! Another swamp contender is Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin who showed his disdain for the “poor and hungry huddled masses” denying them the $600/week that many need to survive. Mnuchin left Goldman Sachs with a hefty $46 million in stock. 

Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao (Mrs. Mitch McConnell) always maintains a low profile fearful of raising public scrutiny over her conflict of interest actives with her family’s shipping business. Finally, there is the invisible Ben Carson, secretary of Housing and Urban Development, who abandoned his brilliant career as a doctor to join the swamp. His whereabouts are unknown. Alas he may have joined the Witness Protection Program.